ENTRANTS: 2019 Premium Book (available soon) — entry information and instructions.
Rules and Regulations
- Competition is open to all individuals in Chatham and surrounding counties.
- Exhibits may be entered on the following dates and times: Monday, September 23 through Wednesday, September 25 from 11am-6pm. No non-perishable exhibit will be accepted after 6pm Wednesday, September 25. Perishables must be entered Thursday, September 26, 8:00am-9:30am. All baked goods become the property of the Fair and will be auctioned off Friday, September 27. Proceeds will go to the Fair Association.
- Every reasonable effort will be made by officers of the Fair Association and those in charge of the premises to protect items on exhibit from loss or damage. However, the Association will not be responsible should loss or damage occur.
- Articles, exhibits, awards and ribbons can be removed from the main building after 5pm on Sunday, September 29, or Monday or Tuesday, September 30, October 1, 11am-6pm. Livestock and poultry may be removed through the rear gate beginning Sunday September 29 from 4-7pm – the rear gate will be opened at 10am on Monday, September 30 and remain open all day for livestock and poultry removal. All animals must be removed from the fairgrounds by 6:00pm on Monday.
- The Fair Association will not be responsible for animals not removed by 6:00pm on Monday, or articles or exhibits that remain after 6:00pm on Tuesday, October 1
- Every exhibit must be entered in a department, class, or category chosen by the exhibitor. No exhibitor may enter more than one item of the same variety in any class. Based on the number of entries, categories may be subdivided.
- The right is reserved to reject any entry; no unworthy exhibit will be awarded a premium.
- Canned goods must be in standard canning jars. No mayonnaise or pickle jars accepted.
- Classes 1-7 have an adult and youth category. There is no separate category for Children Only. All persons in these categories will compete against others in their age groups (adults against adults, youth category participants against youth ages 9-19). Children ages 5-8 will not participate in competition. Ages 5-8 are considered Child (C). Ages 9-19 are considered Youth (Y). All entrants ages 5-19 will have a green participation ribbon placed on the item at check in.
- Premiums will be awarded on merit. Ribbons will only be awarded to the best entries in each category. Example: If there are 10 plates of potatoes, only the top 3 will be awarded ribbons. The following colors are being used to designate awards:
- First Place: Blue Ribbon
- Second Place: Red Ribbon
- Honorable Mention (HM): Purple Ribbon (no premium)
- If there is only one article (no competition) in a class, it can be eligible for a ribbon if it is of acceptable quality, at the discretion of the judges.
- All exhibits to be judged (except booths) must go through the office to be registered and tagged before being placed on exhibit. Exhibits not tagged will not be judged.
- Judging will take place Thursday, September 27th, beginning promptly at 11:00 a.m., for all exhibits. Only judges and assistants will be allowed in the exhibit areas during the judging.
- Click here for a PDF version of a general entry form, and click here for a PDF entry form for livestock and poultry. You will need the free Adobe reader to read and print the forms. Click here to download it, if it is not already installed on your computer.
Exhibits will be held in the following departments (click for information):
Department 1: Farm, Field and Forage Crops
Department 2: Horticulture Products
Department 3: Flowers and Plants
Department 4: Livestock and Poultry
Department 5: Food Preservation
Department 6: Breads, Cakes, Cookies, Candies and Pies
Department 7: Clothing, Arts, Crafts
Department 8: Other Exhibits (i.e. Club Booths)